How to receive iptv on computer and Dreambox

How to receive iptv on computer and Dreambox

How to receive iptv on computer and Dreambox

There are many questions about how the requirements of receiving IPTV channels

There are devices designed for this,

There are other hardware devices enigma2 For example Dreambox and ٍVU+ And the other to receive through which these channels

Using either resisted add to A Plugin Such as nStream or Tsmedia

Or the use of the latest images from the second generation of the Dream, which comes ready

But you need to add the channels table and update this table continuously.

The program allows you to add or change the channel list links in TSmedia plugin

there is another plugin that name IPTV List Updater 
subject of explication  IPTV List Updater  Helps you to add links directly from the device (special VU+ device works on Dreambox)

Way links manually modify the list of channels in the Plugin Nstream

Use a program such FTP such DCC

Replace the existing file or another the last edit in file nstream.xml
Which is in the path : usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/extensions/nstreamplayer
And the following formula 
Then we re-run Enigma 2 in the Device 

Way to add lines dedicated servers for Plugin TSmedia

Dragging the file from Dreambox adjustable from path : /etc/userstream.xml  

- Device connected to the Internet
- High-speed Internet, so you do not freeze the image or disappear
- Enter the channel information "IP Channel and Name channel" In a special table in this channel.
Formulas vary from device to device.

Some of which have this image:

#EXTINF:-1,2 ORF2 HD  

And again in this image:


- Quality-IP : ( http Or rtmp Or rtsp )
- The quality of programs or images that can be opened wmv or asf or swf or 3gp or m3u8

- The question about how do I know that the link works or does not work?

There is an easy way to check this, open the famous VLC software to play videos

Copy the channel link and put it in the program by clicking on the Media
Then Open Location from clipboard
And wait for seconds to open the channel
And brings a message not to the program's ability to open the link.
We note that there are links to open at certain times because they are tied to a may be closed at a time which I explored the channel.
Sometimes we experience a link in the VLC program but when you put it in the receiver see that it does not open or is delayed in opening to nearly a minute.
To speed up the contact, we change the first part of the link from HTTP or RTSP Or  rtmp
You'll notice the speed and open the link in seconds.
But there are links do not open this program opens with the Simple tv program

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